Appreciation is Key

This is the last part of the 6 part series on healthy relationships. We have gone deep into some of the key principles to building a healthy relationship. You have done a lot of work in these areas and have likely been seeing positive results. If you haven’t done this work yet I highly encourage […]

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3 Steps to Start Forgiving

This is part 5 of the 6 part series on healthy relationships. The work we have been doing over the last 5 weeks has not been easy. If you are feeling stuck or overwhelmed that is understandable and ok. You can go back to these videos/articles as often as you need, working through the key […]

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Creating Clear Boundaries

This is part 3 of the 6 part series on healthy relationships. So far we have gone over the basics of healthy relationships, red flags for unhealthy relationships, the skills for healthy communication, and tips to be a good listener.  Today, we are going to go deeper into the key principle of having boundaries for […]

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Healthy Relationships 101

One of the key pillars in our lives is our relationships. Relationships include romantic relationships, friendships, family, and even peer/coworker types of relationships. The principles we are going to talk about throughout this series can be applied to most of the relationships in your life, but we will focus on romantic relationships. Why romantic relationships? […]

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Are you a WHOLE person?

Are you a WHOLE person?

This is part four of the comparison series.  Here is a recap on what we’ve covered so far: Comparison is breaking down ourselves and others into parts. We do it to protect ourselves, but it actually harms us.  The first step is bring awareness to your habit of comparison. Who you are comparing yourself to, when, […]

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Overcoming Comparison

Overcoming Comparison

This is part three of the four part series on comparison. Just a reminder comparison is when you break people down into their parts and start comparing each item. You do it to protect yourself from challenges, but it actually hurts your relationships, self-esteem, and your overall growth. Hopefully, you’ve already taken the first step […]

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What is Comparison?

What is Comparison?

This is the second part of the four part series on Comparison. So what is comparison? What does it do to you and your life? Comparison is about dissecting everyone. It is breaking people down into parts. This includes yourself and others. Then, you compare those parts in competition with one another. Such as, comparing […]

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