
What is Comparison?

What is Comparison?

This is the second part of the four part series on Comparison.

So what is comparison? What does it do to you and your life?

Comparison is about dissecting everyone. It is breaking people down into parts. This includes yourself and others. Then, you compare those parts in competition with one another. Such as, comparing individual body parts, individual accomplishments, talents, skills, abilities, or possessions.

Sounding familiar?

Why do you do this? What’s in it for you? Well, for one it protects you. It allows you to push people away who threaten or challenge you in a way that makes you uncomfortable. It separates you from the person who is challenging you, so that you can avoid that challenge to your status quo.

However, it also harms you.

It ruins and limits relationships. The people who make you feel challenged, are often able to push you and make you into a better person. Ignoring that challenge keeps you from trying and growing. It also harms your self-esteem, because you are breaking yourself down into parts instead of seeing yourself as a whole person with more to offer.

The first step to making a change is awareness.

Take action now:

  • Pay attention to when you are breaking someone apart Yourself or Others.
  • Write it down and try to figure out the why and catch the habit.

If you want help moving forward from jealousy and comparison then come find out how we can work together.

Much love, Danielle10173617_728293477285309_7925489973210964255_n

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