
Goals with Passion

This is part 4 of the 5 part series on goal setting. You can find Part 1 HERE, Part 2 HERE, and Part 3 HERE.

Last week we worked on writing up your SMART goals for the new year. These goals were based in a foundation on reflecting on your past. Therefore, you have created goals that are based in knowing yourself, knowing what you are good at, where you need help, and you have written goals that will really guide you towards achieving success.

You have gotten further with goal setting than the majority of people. Most people do not even set goals, let alone write them down. But, I want even more for you. I want you to achieve these goals. I do not want you to get two or even six months into the future and not even be able to remember what goals you set for this year. This happens to so many people, and that is where good intentions turn into failure.

This year is going to be different. This year you are going to use a secret weapon to keep your goals at the top of your mind.

The secret idea I have for you is PASSION.

When you write goals that you are not passionate about you are bound to fail. I am not saying that to depress you I am just wanting you to be realistic. Passion is what helps drive you through tough times that come up when achieving any goal. So often people do good work towards their goals for a month or so when the motivation and novelty of the goal is high. Then, they hit the first hiccup and realize it is going to be hard to move forward. Once that happens so many people lose motivation because they are not passionate about the goal or the outcome.

It is ok to not be passionate about something it means that maybe it is not the right goal for you. It is also ok to work a little hard to figure out what you passion is behind a goal and to make sure you are tapped into that passion.

So, first I want you to pull out your list of SMART goals. Look through them and cross off or adjust any goals that you are clearly not even a little passionate about. Maybe when you read the goal you have a sense of dread, anxiety, or stress. Maybe you feel like avoiding immediately when reading the goal. Therefore, it may not be the best time to work on that goal. It doesn’t mean you can never come back for it, but let’s focus your energy on goals that you will actually achieve this year and that will build your success for even bigger/harder goals in the future.

Next, look at the goals that you are a little worried that you won’t maintain passion for the goals. Maybe these are goals you’ve had over and over again and progress is slow going. With these goals maybe you are not passionate about the work that it takes but you are passionate about the outcome. Therefore, you need to make sure you are constantly reminded of the passion that is at the root of this goal to keep you motivated.

I challenge you to write up your WHY behind each of your goals. Write up why you are passionate about achieving these goals and put it somewhere you will see it daily. Keep this passion at the top of your mind and see the difference it makes on your motivation.

I would love to hear the passion behind your goals in the comments below. Share and let’s inspire one another.

Next week we will go deeper into what will make these goals really achievable. 

And, if you want to go even deeper into goal setting for the new year then join me for the free New Years Mini Series.

Much love, Danielle


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