
Overcoming Comparison

Overcoming Comparison

This is part three of the four part series on comparison.

Just a reminder comparison is when you break people down into their parts and start comparing each item. You do it to protect yourself from challenges, but it actually hurts your relationships, self-esteem, and your overall growth.

Hopefully, you’ve already taken the first step to bring more awareness to where, why, and who you are comparing yourself. If not, make sure you take some time now and journal around this topic.

It’s time to dive into how to overcoming feelings of comparison.

The next step is practice seeing yourself and others as a whole person. Start with saying this affirmation every time you catch yourself in comparison, while continuing to practice bringing your awareness to what you are doing, “ I am whole. I have more to offer than this one thing.” OR “She/He/They are whole. She/He/They have more to offer than this one thing.”

Catch yourself in your habit, and start using this affirmation to catch yourself and start to make a change.

This will change your physical and mental STATE and your HABIT to get you on the right path. This will get you a more positive mindset and stop the comparison and negativity. 

If you want help moving forward from jealousy and comparison then come find out how we can work together.

Much love, Danielle


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