Content vs. Happy

Content vs. Happy

Do you feel you are really happy? Have you discovered what happiness really means to you? Most people don’t spend a lot of time thinking about what makes them happy or what happiness means to them. Most people just feel their feelings and don’t think about it. But, are they really happy or just content? […]

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How to Define Happiness

How to Define Happiness

Everyone defines happiness in their own way. What makes one person happy is not the same thing that will make another person happy. That is what can make finding happiness difficult. You look around and are told what happiness is from the people in your life, media, and marketing. You are told that buying things […]

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Are you a WHOLE person?

Are you a WHOLE person?

This is part four of the comparison series.  Here is a recap on what we’ve covered so far: Comparison is breaking down ourselves and others into parts. We do it to protect ourselves, but it actually harms us.  The first step is bring awareness to your habit of comparison. Who you are comparing yourself to, when, […]

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