
Do you feel out of alignment?

Alignment is a word that gets thrown around a lot lately. Maybe you know you’re out of alignment, maybe you’re not sure, and maybe you don’t even know what that means. Let’s figure it out together.

First some clarity on what alignment even means. If you are in alignment you are living in congruence with your best self. If you are in alignment, what you say matches up with your actions. If you are in alignment you will feel a greater sense of confidence and clarity around your life. Think of a ship on the ocean. Alignment is making sure you’re pointed in the right direction so you can move with confidence toward the place you want to go.

It is super common to feel out of alignment. We are all human and none of us live perfect lives. However, when this feeling starts to come up frequently it is a sign that it is time to reevaluate some things. So how do you know if you are out of alignment if you aren’t sure? Here are some signs to look out for:

  1. You feel disconnected to yourself.
  2. You feel a little blah or uninterested in things that use to light you up.
  3. You feel like something is off, but you aren’t sure what.
  4. You feel like the results and things showing up in your life are very different than what you are wanting.
  5. You are more frequently not feeling well physically or mentally.

If you feel like any of these things are coming up for you it may be beneficial to work on becoming more aligned in your life. So how do you do it?

  1. Clarity on who you are and what you want is an important place to start. If you haven’t already, you can read my article on clarity from last week.
  2. Once you have clarity on your values, how you want to show up, and who you are, it’s time to ask yourself “Where am I not aligned with these ideals?”
  3. Spend some time journalling, without judgement, about how you want to treat others and yourself, how you can show up more authentically, and what people or things do not align with your values.
  4. Once you have your list, pick just 1-3 small steps you can take to bring yourself back into alignment.
  5. When you have implemented those small steps, come back to the list and pick the next 1-3 small steps.

Be gentle with yourself during this process. We are constantly changing beings and we are never perfect. What is important is developing a habit of self-reflection, personal development, and adaptation to change.

Much love,


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