
5 Tips to Support Your Health This Season

This can be a hard season for mental and physical wellness in a normal year. So, especially in 2020, we all want to do as much as we can to protect ourselves and those we love while still enjoying the holidays.

Therefore, I put together a few of my favorite tips to support my health and well-being this time of year.

  1. Gratitude Journaling
    • I know I’ve spoken about gratitude journaling before, but it is one of my favorite practices to support a healthy mindset. Thanksgiving is coming up, which makes it more relevant than ever to be focused on gratitude. However, I encourage you to keep it up past Thanksgiving. Personally, I like to challenge myself each evening to write 10 things I am grateful for from the day.
    • The research shows that the benefits of gratitude journalling take about 4 weeks to take hold and that there are even greater benefits after 12 weeks. Research also demonstrates that these benefits could be long lasting, so start this practice sooner rather than later!
  2. Essential oils
    • Obviously eating right and exercising have huge impacts on our health and can do wonders to support our immune system. However, we are human and sometimes, especially around the holidays, we do not always eat right or exercise as much as we should. Fortunately we can supplement to help boost and support our immune system. My favorite way to do that is with the On Guard essential oil.
  3. Raw Honey instead of White Sugar
    • It is easy to get too much sugar in your diet around the holidays, which is not great for your health. One easy switch is to move from sugar to honey. Honey is lower on the glycemic index, which means it doesn’t raise your blood sugar levels as fast and is generally sweeter than sugar so you don’t have to use as much in a recipe. Additionally, if you use local honey to your area it can have added benefits for seasonal allergens.
  4. Sleep
    • We all inherently know that sleep is important,  however it can be hard to make it a priority. Research supports that those who do not get enough sleep are more likely to get sick when exposed to a virus such as the common cold. Additionally, research shows that adequate sleep allows us to recover from illness more quickly.
    • Addressing your sleep hygiene is the best way to improve your sleep. Look at your sleep environment. Is it quiet, dark, and a comfortable temperature? That is a good place to start. Additionally make sure you are limiting blue light from screens for a couple hours before bed. You can also help promote restful sleep through the use of calm essential oils, such as lavender, and a sound machine for some white noise.
  5. Exercise
    • Moving your body everyday is another great resource for both your physical and mental well-being. If you can get outside everyday to move your body even better because that Vitamin D from the sunlight will help support your mood as well.
    • It is recommended you move your body and get your heart rate up for at least 30 minutes every day. This will help boost your immune system, reduce your stress, and support sleep. Win, win, win!

I could keep going but I hope you can find at least one thing from this list that you can add into your routine to have a healthier and happier holiday season.

Sending you lots of love,


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