
How to Create Your Own Happiness

This is part 3 of the the 4 part series on happiness. You can catch up on Part 1 HERE and Part 2 HERE.

So often we wrap up our happiness in other people, objects, or even reaching some sort of milestone. I am not suggesting it is wrong to have people, objects, or achievement bring you happiness. Those are great additions to happiness. However, the problem is when your happiness is completely wrapped up in these things.

When your happiness hangs on the hinges of what another person does, if you can buy the next object of your desire, or achieve the next thing then you are putting yourself on an emotional rollercoaster. You are also giving away your control. This rollercoaster and lack of control leads to a dramatic life full of fleeting highs and devastating lows.

This is often the way we are taught happiness at a young age. When our hormones are chaotic and we lack control over our own lives, it makes sense to act this way. Sometimes, as adults we forget to grow out of that phase, because we just have gotten familiar with it and don’t realize there is another way.

I propose we put more effort into creating our own happiness. When you create your own happiness you are taking back your control and creating stability of your happiness.

So, how do you create your own happiness?

You create your own happiness by figuring out what makes you happy and what brings you joy. And, start creating opportunities for these things in your life. These do not need to be grand ideas. It is the little things that you can add to your everyday life that help create an atmosphere of happiness.

The best part is that you get to create these things. You get to decide what clothing you wear, how you care for yourself, who you allow into your life, what opportunities you take advantage of, what food you consume, what things you say no to, and how much fun you choose to have in your everyday life. These are all keys things to create a mood and atmosphere of happiness.

When you start creating more happiness in these small ways you will see that you actually are more in control of your mood than you even realize. And that is an empowering feeling. Plus, once you start these habits of happiness you will start to see opportunities that can create even greater happiness in your life. Such as, taking risks to go for what you really want, having more adventure, trying new things, saying yes to yourself and what you really need and desire in each moment. You will have started to shape your mind to focus on happiness and opportunities vs despair and lack.

Today I want you to start will realizing that you get to create your own happiness, that you do have some control, and start to play with that idea.

I would love to hear what comes up for you as you start exploring how you can create your own happiness. And, if you want to have a little more fun exploring happiness in your everyday life then join the 21 Day Happiness Challenge.

Much love, Danielle


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