
Today’s Affirmation 23

Today’s affirmation is “I create fun & adventure into every single day.”

Today’s affirmation is a reminder that you have choice in how you create your own world. You can choose boredom, upset, and the mundane OR you can choose fun and adventure. The kicker though is that YOU have to CREATE it. You have to take action and gain control over the life you are living.

Fun and adventure are important parts of life. They bring you happiness and tap into your creativity. If you are not making time for fun and adventure you are not making time to be your best self. Make a commitment to create fun and adventure into every day. From little things, like trying a new yoga pose, to big things, like going on a trip to a foreign land, start creating. (52)

When you are feeling like you are stuck in a rut and everyday is seemingly duller than the next, use this affirmation to reminder yourself that you can create fun and adventure. Say this affirmation out loud to yourself as a reminder of this choice.

Please share this affirmation with your loved ones to remind others that fun and adventure can be a part of everyday life. 

If you are interested in more affirmations start here with the series of affirmations posts. In the first post I share my story of why affirmations are so important to me and powerful in my life.

If you want to dive deeper into affirmations check out the free 7 Day Affirmation Journal. Each affirmation is paired with journal prompts for you to make the most of each day.

Tell me in the comments below how this affirmation resonates with you today.

Much love, Danielle


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