
How can Affirmations help your Health?

How can Affirmations help your Health?

This is part 4 of the 5 part series on affirmations. Check out the other parts of the series here: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

Your health is one of your most valuable resources. Your health includes what most people think of as health – physical health, or lack of physical illness or injury. However, health is deeper than just the lack of problems or even just physical health. Health also includes your well-being, your emotional state, your mental health, and even your social health. All of these aspects impact your quality of life. Your health impacts every aspect of your life.

Have I pressed the importance enough for you yet? Are you onboard to make this a priority?

You are the sole person responsible for your health. You are able to control and manipulate your choices and actions to create the best quality of life possible for you. Yes, there are limitations. There are genetic predispositions that you cannot control. However, your response to the things you cannot control is completely in your control.

That’s where affirmations can come into play.

Affirmations are one tool to help you shape your mindset and actions in your life. They are one tool for helping you take control.

Using affirmations for your health is a proactive way to create the life you want. Therefore, the first step is deciding what the life you want looks like. There are a few ways to get clear on that:

  • Create a vision board for your health.
    • Place images and words on a board creating a collage that you can see on a regular basis. This could include things like images of particular yoga poses, fresh fruit and veggies, words like strong or sexy, etc.
  • Journal a story of your ideal health.
    • Include what your physical health and mental health looks like in your daily life. Write what your ideal health would allow you to be able to do in your life. Write about what it looks like to maintain that health and the results/benefits of having it.
  • Write up a list.
    • This is the most straightforward way to get clear about your ideal health. Just list out all the things that are important to you regarding your health. Be honest with yourself and don’t write down things you think you should include, but those things that are actually important to you.

The next step is to uncover where your mindset currently stands. Now that you have uncovered where you want to go, it’s time to see what barriers are in place preventing you from getting there.

  • Write down your fears related to your health.
    • Uncover what believes or worries you have about working on your health or even achieving the ideal health. Maybe you are worried people won’t love you anymore or maybe you worry that you won’t be able to follow through. Whatever comes up for you just write it down.
  • List out what barriers you think are in place.
    • Is it not enough time? Money? Maybe you think you don’t have enough space in your home or that your partner won’t be supportive. Whatever excuses you could think of for working on your health list it out.

Finally, the last step is to write out affirmations that help counter these false beliefs and create an environment that will push you towards the outcomes you desire.

  • Write (and use daily) affirmations about the habits and actions you will take.
    • If you say affirmations about these positive actions enough, it will help fight against resistance to the actions you know you want to take. Such as, “I journal daily because it is good for my health,” “I take the time to meditation, because I am important,” or “I treat my body with respect by feeding it with the best quality of food I can obtain.”
  • Write (and use daily) affirmations to counter the barriers and fears that came up for you.
    • Help stop the negative thought patterns that have been holding you back by creating new thoughts. Make sure the affirmation can feel true to you. Some examples could be, “I have more than enough time to take care of myself,” “Taking care of myself first, means I can better take care of others,” or “I am worth the time and money to make my health a priority.”

I would love to hear how you are going to use these strategies in your life. Please share in the comments the affirmations you are going to be using. And, if you are wanting help with creating a daily practice of affirmation, grab the free 7 day affirmation journal.

Much love, Danielle


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