
Barriers to Self-Love

This is Part 2 of the 6 part series all about self-love. You can find part 1 HERE.

What is holding you back from loving yourself fully?

Many things get in the way of self-love. And, if you want to bulldoze them out of your way (which I know you do because you are a badass) you have to identify the barriers to self-love you experience first.

Barriers to Self-Love

One of the biggest barriers that we come across as women is society’s pressures. Now, this is a HUGE barrier with many layers but here are the two main areas.

  • You are not enough.

    • Society and the media loves to focus on your weaknesses. From early in our childhood even school teaches us to work harder on the things that are hardest for us, and to put to the side the things we are actually good at, because we must be well rounded, we must be good at everything.
  • Your body is imperfect and you should be ashamed of it.

    • Our photoshopped world has taught us that our bodies are weird, different, and far from desirable. Cellulite? Acne? Softness? Dark circles? Flat chested? Saggy? Short? Too tall? Pale? Unacceptable! We are taught to pick apart our bodies, judge them to an unrealistic standard, and never be happy with where we are.

Do either of those ideas hit home for you? Or maybe even both?

Maybe your barrier isn’t from society. Maybe your family or a partner from an intimate relationship made you feel bad about yourself. Maybe you were proud of yourself before and people shut you down, telling you that it isn’t ok to “show off,” feel good about yourself, or be proud. Maybe you learned that you should hide and make yourself small so that you don’t overshine other people, because then you won’t make friends.

Have you experienced any of these barriers that make you feel like you can love yourself? Or, maybe your barriers are something totally different. I want to hear what your barriers are, because recognizing them is the first step to pushing them out of your way, so you can continue walking down your road of awesomeness – so share your barriers with me in the comments below.

I want you to join me in the Self-Love Quest which is a free 5 day event of epic self-love.

Much love, Danielle


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