


I hear people talk about faith and it usually rubs me the wrong way. Maybe it is because I grew up Catholic and faith to me was a purely religious word. When I hear it being used outside of a religious context, I see it being used as a way to excuse not thinking or planning.

Just have faith that you will find the love of  your life.

Just have faith that things will work out.

Just have faith and you will be happy, healthy, and wealthy.

Faith does mean to follow something blindly. To trust that you are taken care of even without knowing. However, I think this leads down a negative path too easily. A path of not putting the work in. A path of expecting everything to be easy. A path of releasing responsibilities from your life.

My truth about faith is to have faith in yourself (myself). I don’t understand everything about myself. I don’t know what is going to happen in my future. But I have faith in myself. I have faith that I will make things work. I have faith that I will make the most of my life. And I have faith that I will create great relationships, happiness, health, and wealth in my life. This is not because I have faith that it will just happen to me. It is because I have faith in knowing that I am highly motivated, capable, and will put the work in.

Still, sometimes, I look at my life and I see areas where I am just living on faith and not doing my part of putting the work in. I have been living on faith with different business ideas, different areas of my health, and in my relationships. There are specifics in all of these areas that I am not doing my part in right now. I have business ideas that have just stayed as ideas at this point. I have extra jiggle that I want to lose, but continue to eat chocolate daily. I desire more intimacy in my relationship at times, but often choose to make my schedule too full to have any one on one time. In each of these areas, I have faith that it will change, but I only have faith. I am relying on this faith at this point because I am not actually putting the work in. I am not doing my part to create the life I want.

Maybe you also have areas of your life where you are just relying on faith too? Maybe you think things will change for your career, health, money, etc. but you aren’t making any changes.

I am taking a stand for being mindful of where I am just relying on faith, and making a change to start doing my part to become the person I desire to be. Will you join me? If something is important, you and I are going to do our part to create the life we want.

Tell me in the comments below where you are just relying on faith.

Sending you so much love, Danielle


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