
Today’s Affirmation 22

Today’s affirmation is “I create success on purpose.”

Today’s affirmation is a reminder that you have a choice, you have control, and your success is in your own hands. It is a reminder that you create the world around you. It is a reminder that you create the thoughts in your own mind. You create the actions you take and it is through those actions and thoughts that you either create success or failure.

I know you want to create success. However, success doesn’t just happen it is created on purpose through daily mindful action. If you want something different then you must make different choices. If you desire success than you must create the habits and routines to support that success. You are the one in the driver’s seat. You are able to create success on purpose. (51)


When you are feeling like life is just happening to you. When you feel like things just aren’t going the way you want. Say this affirmation out loud to yourself as a reminder that you are in control that you have the ability to create success on purpose.

Please share this affirmation with your loved ones to create momentum around people living life on purpose and creating the success they desire. 


If you are interested in more affirmations start here with the series of affirmations posts. In the first post I share my story of why affirmations are so important to me and powerful in my life.

If you want to dive deeper into affirmations check out the affirmations journal. This journal will take you through a month of daily affirmations. Each affirmation is paired with journal prompts for you to make the most of each day.

Tell me in the comments below how this affirmation resonates with you today.

Much love, Danielle



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