
4 Tips to Protect Your Sensitivity Superpower




sensitivity superpower



I look around and see so many unhappy people, which is difficult because I have been there. I have felt that level of pain and I have struggle to move forward in life. I know these people, I relate to these people, and the pain is real. But these people feel. These people feel with their whole being, and it can hurt. It can hurt to feel so much that you have to protect yourself from what movies or TV shows you watch. It can be draining to feel so much that you are drained by the end of the day after spending time with people.


I know this pain and I know it is real. I also know that it makes you special.

It is your sensitivity superpower.


The pain and the exhaustion of feeling so much is also a gift. This unhappiness that can eat at your soul is your mind’s way of telling you there is more. You as a big feeler have a special gift, the gift of empathy. You have a unique ability to relate to others, to connect with their emotion, and to take it on and feel it for yourself. This great gift of empathy allows you to connect and relate to people on a deeper level than most people experience on a daily basis. This ability allows you to develop relationships that are truly meaningful, open, and deep. We both know you can’t hold anything back, so when you find someone you connect with it gets deep.


You have the power to channel this gift. You can go with what is easy and settle into the difficult emotions that come up with feeling so much or you can focus on the positive emotions and the connections. It is not going to be easy. You will need to protect yourself and I have some tips for you.


Stop watching the news. Avoid unnecessary negativity at all costs. Hear some gossip? Walk the other way. Starting to get sucked into reality TV? Shut it off. You are a big feeler and you do not need to waste that energy on negativity and people you are not connected with. You only have so much energy to use in a day, be conscious of where you are spending it.


Share the love. You crave connection, real, loving, bold connection, but you are also afraid of rejection. You allow fear to hold you back from the most beautiful things in life. Take the first step and put yourself out there. Compliment others. Be the first to share something personal. Let someone know you are grateful for them. Don’t let fear hold you back. Think about what you could be missing out on if you never try.


Dare to be you. People might think you are different or weird, but you are uniquely you. The world does not need more of the same. The world needs the special gifts that you have. Express the great love, compassion, and empathy you have with the world. Become aware of when you hold yourself back and ask yourself “why?” Help others see it is ok to be an individual.


Be brave.  You might be sensitive and emotional, but that doesn’t also mean you aren’t strong and brave. It takes guts to be empathetic. You love harder, feel deeper, and yes face more pain, but you get to experience all of life. You get to close your eyes at night knowing that you truly lived today. That you let your true self shine through, that you impacted others’ lives, and that you were brave.


I know you. I am one of you. I love you.

Embrace your sensitive superpower.


Please share in the comments below if you relate. I would love to hear your story.



Much love, Danielle

P.S. I want to help you get insanely, beautifully, ecstatically happy. Come see how……here!

2 thoughts on “4 Tips to Protect Your Sensitivity Superpower

  1. Thank you so much for the article.
    I have been trying my best to walk away, literarily, from my biggest bully and source of negativity for the past 10 years. Sadly, since I am unable to secure myself a job, I will have to move back home and be up an close with the negatively charged mother. Got any good suggestions on how to survive that?

    1. You are so welcome. It sounds like you are in a tough space, but moving forward. You know the direction you want to go – walking away. My suggestions for living with anyone who is negative is this: 1. Be the example. Don’t get sucked in. Respond with positivity. Talk positive. Compliment her and keep focusing on the positive in conversations with her. 2. Write a list of why you are grateful for her and the living situation. Keep that in mind when things get tough. 3. Focus on how you want to feel with the direction you are going Remember why you want to move forward, what you want, and take action on getting that.
      Wishing you the best of luck and sending you lots of love. Keep me updated on how it goes!

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