
Overcoming Feeling Like a Fraud

Overcoming Feeling Like a Fraud

Do you…..

  • Brush off compliments?
  • Downplay your achievements?
  • Feel a tinge of guilt when you talk about yourself or your accomplishments?
  • Feel like someone is going to “find you out”?

Then, you feel like a fraud and I’m guessing you are ready to make a change.

You are not alone. This is a common feeling, especially among women. Women are statistically more likely to undervalue their worth and abilities. We undervalue our ability to accomplish a job or complete a task. One of the reasons is that testosterone is scientifically linked to confidence. Generally speaking, women have less testosterone than men. Which is part of the reason we struggle with feelings of being a fraud more often.

However, feeling like a fraud is anti confidence. 

So, let fix it. Here are the three areas we are going to address in the next few weeks to get you started:

  • Hormones (remember what I said about testosterone?)
  • Know yourself 
  • Practice

The next three articles and videos will go in depth on strategies to boost your confidence in each of those ways.

But, let’s start with ACTION now.

– Identify one area where you are feeling like a fraud.

– Get clear on why you feel like a fraud in that areas.

Take some time to list out the areas where you are feeling like a fraud and dig into the the reason why. If you don’t have a starting point, you cannot make progress.

That way we can start tackling it head on with strategies in the next articles and videos.

If you want help overcoming feeling like a fraud then come find out how we can work together.

Much love, Danielle



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