
Inspiring Women Series – Kimberly Patino

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Welcome to the second edition of the Inspiring Women Series! My intention behind this series is for women of all backgrounds and stages of life to share what makes them love their life. My hope is that through this sharing you become inspired to live more of your own dream life that you love. If you are interested in being featured in this series please send me an inquiry at and I will send you more information. I am incredibly excited about this series because I see so many women floating through life not fulling engaged, happy, or loving life. I want everyone to love the life they are living and live to the fullest!

The inspiring woman being featured this month the lovely Kimberly Patino, here is her story:

Tell us how you are living the life of your dreams?

I wake up in the morning and the first thing that I do is have my mediation attitude of gratitude. I go through all of the things that I am grateful for and it changes my mood in such a powerful way. I then start my day by going to the gym, having breakfast, taking care of my twins (furbabies haha!), heading out to my studio and getting to work. And every day I work, it is always something new, whether it’s creating a new workshop, an art series or taking photos for inspiration.

What do you love about your life?

What I love about the way I live my life is that I don’t have depend on people to create my work. I don’t have to ask for a loan or a grant in order to create my work because I have the resources of creating as I go. And since I am constantly surrounded by outdoors, I am constantly coming up with new and exciting ideas to create.

Why is it a dream life for you?

It’s such a blessing to have this type of freedom and creative time because I had to go through a lot of hurdles to get to where I am. As a child, I knew that I wanted to be an artist; that was a definitive goal in my head. But my parents, bless their hearts, didn’t encourage me to go that route because they were afraid I would end up on the street without a penny to my name trying to sell doodles to make ends meet. The fact that years later I’m here creating artwork, showing in galleries and making income…it blows their minds out of the water. Now they tell everyone they know “Oh yeah, my daughter is an artist”. It’s such a trip, haha!!

What makes it special, inspiring, motivating?

Every time I went to seek advice on how to become an artist or how to make a living creating artwork, I would always get mixed answers. “I need to pay thousands of dollars for art school,” or “study abroad,” or “just create what I please,” I felt like I was begging for guidance because I had no clue where to begin. And after years of constant trial and error, it motivates me to not only keep going…but to share my experience with other artists who are trying to make a living. Because being an artist, a creator, an innovator isn’t just a job: it’s a lifestyle.

How are you living life on your terms?

I decided what I want to shoot and where I want to shoot. I always schedule my weeks in advance to make sure that I am on point with my goals and that everything is taken care of. Whether it’s time with my family or time in the studio, I make sure that I not only devote myself to my work but to my personal life as well. And it is very refreshing knowing that you have the freedom to do that.

What hurdles came up on your way to getting there?

Fear was the biggest hurdle that I had to overcome. There will be times where I would not start on a project or advertise a workshop or even speak to galleries for the fear of being rejected. Having someone tell you that your work isn’t good can be hurtful, but in order to succeed and live a creative life you have to be one with rejection. Not to expect it all the time, but to know that it will happen and to not be so afraid of it. When I started my first workshop I was soooo afraid that no one would show, so I kept delaying and delaying the launch. I always told myself “I’m not ready yet, I’m not good enough yet” but the thing is you are never ready. So might as well jump and go for it before someone else does.

What has been the biggest help in living a life of your dreams?

My friends and family have been such an enormous help and a huge part of my dream. Once my parents began to accept the fact that this is my career, they started helping me come up with concepts and ideas for new art pieces. And my amazing boyfriend is always first in line to drive me to places to shoot or to offer help whenever I need an extra hand. I consider them my collaborators because before I send a workshop or submit a piece I always ask them their opinion. I’m truly blessed!

What would you say to someone who feels like their dream life is impossible?

I would say that I know exactly what you mean. Especially if you are surrounded by negative messages saying how you can’t do something or you can’t create something wonderful. Here’s the thing about the word impossible. If you split the word up, this is what you’ll get: Impossible =  IM POSSIBLE. Meaning you can do anything and everything you want because you are capable of doing so, regardless of your circumstance. Will it be easy? No way. Will it happen overnight? Certainly not. But if you truly want to live your dream and create something amazing, go for it! Keep going until you get there. You only have one life to lead, so make it count.

How are you continuing to build a life of your dreams?

Once I find myself comfortable in doing something for a long period of time, I change it up. For a while I started doing film photography and it came to the point where I would walk in the darkroom and finish a print from scratch, easy-peasy. It wasn’t until I tried digital photography that I encountered a lot of struggle because it was something new to me. I always make sure that I am challenging myself and having more room to grow. Who wants to do the same thing over and over? That’s not living. It’s like the famous Bob Dylan quote: “He who is not busy living, is busy dying.”




Kimberly Patiño (b. 1989, New York) is a portrait and art photographer living in New York City. She received a BA from Hunter College and studied with Gloria Inès Patiño de Arbelàez,  a Colombian painter. She has exhibited in group shows to include: The See.Me Gallery, The 440 Gallery, Greenpoint Gallery & the Art Crasher traveling gallery. Kimberly’s work has been published in various magazines & websites. She currently volunteers/assistant teaches at the Hunter College Photography Department and continues to shoot portraits for modern women.




Did you find Kim’s story inspiring? Tell me in the comments below your biggest takeaway from her story.

Looking to add a little more happiness to your life? Try the 21 Days of Smiling challenge.


Danielle dreamMuch love, Danielle

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