
Inspiring Women – Renee Avard-Furlow

inspiring Women series bannerWelcome to the Inspiring Women Series! My intention behind this series is for women of all backgrounds and stages of life to share what makes them love their life. My hope is that, through sharing this, you become inspired to live more of a life that you love. If you are interested in being featured in this series please send me an inquiry at and I will send you more information. I am incredibly excited about this series because I see so many women floating through life not feeling engaged, happy, or loving life. I want everyone to love the life they are living and live to the fullest!

The inspiring woman being featured this month is the sweet and talented Renee Avard-Furlow, here is her story:

Tell us how you are living a life you love? 

For way too long, I was placed in a cage. Abusive is the best way to describe my earlier years.  There was emotional and mental abuse and I had to learn how to skirt around on eggshells. Over 10 years ago, I finally made the changes and broke free after finding the right key. I moved and then I met my now husband. He has been a huge support to me, as well as my soul Mom, Anne. Between them, I feel I have a grip on things and that my emotional state is cared for. In the freedom, I have been able to turn my life into something that I am proud of and moved by. My world includes me having the ability to write and write full time from home. We also just purchased our first house, my son is nearly 16 and I have a wonderfully intuitive cat, Merlin. Because of what all I have gone through in the past it is such a sweet taste of learning what makes my soul tick. And I use that in my inspirational posts, graphics and more. I am so motivated and inspired to live a life so vastly different than it was because I stood up for myself, and I found the strength in me that I did not know I had. I won’t let anyone push me into another trapping. My life is my own and I reclaimed it in 2004 and it’s just been an inspirational and blessed with gifts. And I share those with others when I can – I never thought I would say this, but I love myself. I love my life. Despite disability, doctors and more, I still know that this is all worth it and I am honored to be a star in my life. (my business is Catch A Falling Star and the tagline is we are ALL worth catching) And that includes catching myself.


What hurdles came up on your way to getting there?

As much as I would love to place blame on the keeper of my then cage I won’t because the largest hurdle was myself. Now, I know that I could not always had the power of reclaiming my life for me when I was younger. I did what I could to survive. After leaving all of that behind, I now know that my life is mine to create and mine to live. I just have awareness now and I see me in a different light. I no longer see myself as damaged, though that is what I believed for so long.

Once I awakened, I have come to see myself as a loving and free and peaceful place that I have created. I decided to live life and I got out of my way!

What has been the biggest help in living a life you love?

Belief in myself and taking time for self-love and self-care. I learned that in order to be loved and blessed, it was up to me to do this first. Because then the other stuff will fall into place.

What is the best lesson you have learned along your journey?

Old lives gone past and future love to look forward to, I have learned that the middle is the journey. And that is what I should be living for. The now. Also, other people and situations can be teachers, and even the ones that have had a negative impact. And one more thing: 3 words to describe life – Life goes on.

What would you say to someone who feels like living a life they love is impossible?

Nothing it’s impossible once you believe your essence matters in this world, you can conquer anything.

How are you continuing to ensure you love your life every day?

I write and read. I even enjoy cleaning my house now that it is my own. Laying down and resting with my cat, painting, and more continue to inspire me. I treat every single moment as a gift.


Renee Avard-FurlowPublished writer & ‘Unique-tivity Guide’, Renee Avard-Furlow runs a successful site where she shares her writings & reflections, offers spiritually-based services and shares ‘Magic Musepirations’ monthly.

She currently has two short eBooks available on Amazon, with more planned & is writing her poetic memoir, due out in late 2015.

She can be found at:, on Facebook  and Twitter.


I hope you enjoyed Renee’s story of self-love and self-care changing her life. Did you gain any insights from her story? If so, please share them in the comments and if you are looking to connect with other women going after their dreams join Ruth and I in the free facebook group Your Life. Your Way. 

10173617_728293477285309_7925489973210964255_nMuch love, Danielle


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