


Comfort is both good and bad. Therefore, you probably both crave it and rebel against it. I know I do. That is the dichotomy of comfort. 
I want the comfort of a cozy home that is mine, and I want to travel to new places.
I want to have a routine to support my health and productivity, and I want to be spontaneous.
I want to be comfortable in my relationship so I can be my full self always, and I want to have excitement.
I want to have consistent income so I know I have what I need, and I want to take risks as an entrepreneur.

I am guessing you have similar dichotomies represented in your life.

Comfort helps us feel safe. It allows you to be yourself and be secure. Therefore, comfort is good. It allows you to reduce stress, relax, and be you fully around those you love and are comfortable with. However, if you stay only in your comfort zone, you will be limited. Going outside of your comfort zone allows you to be vulnerable, take risks, and grow. It helps you be creative and find success you wouldn’t have otherwise.

I often talk about getting outside of your comfort zone, and I wholeheartedly believe in the importance of getting outside of your comfort zone. The rewards are grand. However, what will be best is balance of the two. Have comfort with flexibility. Have routine with spontaneity. Have security and take risks.

I am going to be mindful of where I am being stagnant, sitting in my comfort zone, and mindful of where I am pushing things too far. I hope you do the same.

Tell me in the comments below your experience with trying to balance the dichotomy of comfort. 

Sending you lots of love,

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