
Letting Go Of Judgements

This is the final part of the four part series all about feeling like you are enough. My hope is that at this point you have already made big strides over the last 3 weeks, and are feeling more comfortable with yourself, your confidence is higher, and you are ready to keep moving forward. If you have missed any part(s) of this series you can find them here –  Part 1 HERE, Part 2 HERE, and Part 3 HERE.

Today, for the last part of this series we are going to talk about another common barrier that gets in the way of feeling like you are enough.

This is judging yourself. Judging yourself may come across as criticisms, hiding, putting yourself down, or several other ways. All of which are damaging and not serving you. Therefore, it is time to let go of judgement and step into feeling like you are enough.

Judgement produces feeling of shame. Shame is an incredibly damaging feeling that makes us feel like we are never enough.

Here are some ways to work on letting go of judgement:

  • Catch yourself.
    • The first step is realizing when you are making judgements. Often, we are so ingrained in a habit of self judgement and judging others that we do not even realize what we are doing. You have to start recognizing when you are doing it to be able to do anything about it.  Bring your awareness to what you are doing, and even write down the specific judgements you are making if you can.
  • Stop the thought.
    • Once you make a habit of catching yourself, stop yourself midway through the through. You can do this by wearing a rubber band on your wrist and giving it a snap every time you catch yourself judging or you can just yell stop in your head. You want something that will disrupt this thought process.
  • Replace the thought.
    • The next step is to change this thought pattern by replacing it with thoughts that serve you well. This can be through affirmations or mantras that are repetitive to every time you catch yourself judging, or you can think of things specific to the situation that the judgement comes up in. Basically you just want something that is positive for you to think about instead.

Whatever you chose to do, I encourage you to start working towards letting go of these judgements and recognizing that they are not serving you.
I want to hear what you are going to do to let go of judgements in the comments below. And, if you are ready to take your life to the next level, achieve your goals, and live an amazingly happy life then come learn how we can work together one on one.

Much love, Danielle


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